In order to avoid administrative penalties of up to EUR 30,000 pursuant to Section 3 of the COVID-19 Measures Act, each entrepreneur should check whether his or her own business premises are subject to the prohibition of entry under the Ordinance published in Federal Law Gazette II No 96/2020. Due to the employer’s duty of care, companies are obliged to ensure the health of their employees. The latter can be achieved, for example, by enabling employees to work from home (home office), ensuring minimum distances between workplaces in the office, and the provision of disinfectants.
With regard to the economic viability of the companies, consideration should be given as a short-term measure to the extent to which the costs of the company can be reduced, for example by introducing short-time working (see above).
The liquidity of the company must be ensured to avert the risk of insolvency. This is supported by government measures such as loan guarantees, reductions in tax or duty obligations, deferrals, etc. As already mentioned, it is advisable to keep up to date with possible subsidies from the federal government, the state, the chamber of commerce, etc. Finally, good contact should be established with your own contractual partners. Both suppliers and customers have an interest in business relationships that will survive the crisis, so mutual support and consideration are recommended.
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