Jacob Christensen is an Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner at Christensen Partners (Copenhagen/Denmark). His work focuses on corporate and securities law, corporate governance, legal risk management and compliance. Jacob also provides general advice on contract law and commercial law to a wide range of regular clients.
Businesses particularly appreciate Jacob’s expertise in the areas of corporate mergers, demergers and reconstructions, areas in which Jacob has served as an advisor on a variety of high-profile cases in recent years.
Jacob has for a number of years been an active member of the Expert Committee of Corporate Law and Securities Law Experts, established by the General Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society. In addition to Jacob’s vast experience with providing legal advice to boards of directors, he has comprehensive practical experience with the work of boards of directors, including from his long-time membership of the board of directors of the Doctors’ Pension Investment Association.
Prior to establishing Christensen Partners, Jacob worked more than 28 years for Plesner Law Firm in Copenhagen.