Legal Templates

Digitorney offers a Template Creator which enables users customize legal templates by way of document automation: just fill in individual details and our tool comes up with an advanced draft as a word file. This service is currently in development jointly with our strategic partner and will be fully available from November 2018 onwards. In advance, please see below some first templates giving you an impression of our Template Creator:

Confidentiality Agreement / NDA for Cooperations

  • Please describe the scope of the cooperation in buzzwords -- example: joint business development in Western Europe
  • Describe briefly (and without a dot at the end of the description) details of the cooperation -- example: joint development of the Western European market in the fields of automotive spare parts
  • Insert full company name of the first company without its legal form.
  • Insert legal form of Company 1 -- example: Inc., Ltd., GmbH, AG, B.V.
  • Format: Sample Street 123, F-12345 Sample City (Sample Country)
  • Format -- example for Germany: HRB 12456 / AG Musterstadt, example for the Netherlands: KvK 123456
  • Insert the full name of the legal representative of Company 1 in English format -- example: Mr Sam Sample
  • Insert the corporate function of the legal representative of Company 1 (example): Managing Director, CFO, Member of the Board
  • Insert full company name of the first company without its legal form.
  • Insert legal form of Company 1 -- example: Inc., Ltd., GmbH, AG, B.V.
  • Format: Sample Street 123, F-12345 Sample City (Sample Country)
  • Format -- example for Germany: HRB 12456 / AG Musterstadt, example for the Netherlands: KvK 123456
  • Insert the full name of the legal representative of Company 2 in English format -- example: Mr Sam Sample
  • Insert the corporate function of the legal representative of Company 2 (example): Managing Director, CFO, Member of the Board
  • How long shall the duration of the NDA be? Insert the duration in the following format (example): two (2)
  • When a Party discloses an information to the other Party orally and if this information is thereafter marked as confidential within a certain period of time, the information is deemed confidential. Hence, please insert this period in weeks in the following format (example) two (2)
  • How long shall confidentiality remain valid (also beyond duration of the NDA) upon receipt of confidential information? Please specify the number of years in in the following (example): two (2)
  • Insert the country of the governing law -- example: Federal Republic of Germany, United States of America, United Kingdom
  • In which city shall the courts be in charge for any legal disputes arising out of this NDA? Please insert the name of the city followed by the country in brackets -- example: Mumbai (India), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), New York City (USA)